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Commit to complete personal development so that you can show up fully in a relationship. The first relationship is with yourself even if you are married or single.

It is our responsibility as women to clear up whatever prevents us from fully showing up and loving ourselves so that we can fully love our partners without projection, expectation or neediness.

Codependency is a modern day phenomenon, where we hold our partners responsible for our happiness. If they don’t deliver on our terms, it leads to a lot of unhappiness and finally divorce. Single women are guilty of withdrawing from dating and love saying there are no good men.

This behavior is avoidance and another form of self sabotage. All these behaviors and patterns lead to lack of love.


I commit to complete personal development so that I can show up fully in a relationship.

I commit to clearing up and transforming whatever prevents me from fully showing up and fully loving myself so that I can love another without projection or expectation.

I commit to move fear, shadow stuff, revealing all who I am even when scared. I am 100% responsible for my reality and my partner is but a mirror

I commit to healthy empowerment of myself, each other and everybody who comes in contact with me.

I commit to having a really fun, joyous, life and relationship.

I commit to making each other a priority, sending each other our best energy and love each and every day.

I commit to only a sacred union as a path to fulfill my divine purpose individually and together.

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