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Wonder why your not realizing your dreams? Stuck? How to make your mind work for you and not against. You must do these 4 things.

  1. Your mind does exactly and specifically what it thinks you want it to do. If you haven't got what you want, you have behaviors that you don’t want. You are not collaborating properly with your mind.

  2. Your mind is hardwired towards pleasure and to avoid pain.

  3. The way you feel about everything all the time is down to 2 things-

    1. The pictures you make in your head

    2. The words you say to yourself.

  4. your mind loves what is familiar, it is programmed.

If you want success on any level you have to make familiar unfamiliar.

  1. Your mind listens to your language. Procrastination “ this is too hard” “ I want to eat this cake now, “ I want to have wine now” it will make me feel better now. Your mind thinks you want this and will encourage you to do it as it thinks this is what you want.

  2. You are not communicating properly with your mind. Tell your mind what you really want. I choose to do this and feel great about it. Be very specific, very detailed about what you want. Tell your mind this will bring me pleasure. Even though at the beginning it might be difficult to resist our urges, tell yourself that you love it!

  3. Your mind will always move you towards pleasure. If you link pain to finding a house, mate, love, new business, quitting emotional eating, bad habits. You will not succeed.

  4. Instead work at it like an athlete, Tell your mind that you choose this. I love it. I want it. Let’s get this started. I told my brain that I want it. Link pleasure to getting it.

  5. Change the pictures in your head and the words you say to yourself. Give your brain new pictures and new positive words. Collaborate with your brain. Flood it with these new images of the new you.

  6. Your mind loves what is familiar, procrastinating, drinking too much, eating too much, telling yourself it’s too hard, not believing in yourself. MAKE THAT UNFAMILIAR. MAKE THE UNFAMILIAR FAMILIAR. Working hard towards your dreams, believing and loving yourself, I’m the best, I’m an expert. Tell yourself you're magnificent. Train and have discipline.

  7. Beliefs. If you believe in yourself others will too. If you stretch your mind to a new dimension, it will never go back. Your potential expands beyond your wildest dreams as you move toward it with continuous momentum.

  8. I want this. I want to make it happen. Constantly see it in your mind. With faith and energizing these pictures, your brain will expand. Neuroplasticity.

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