Experiencing gratitude gets you in touch with your soul. It invites more goodness into your life. Please bring me more of this. When you connect with this inner joy, you feel bliss for no reason. Simply being alive, to gaze at the stars, the miracle of life itself brings you happiness.
All the things we take for granted, the breath, our body and fertile mind and material comforts.
It sweeps away lack and limitation and reminds you of all the positive things that are around you. Warmth, love, compassion, a sense of connection that enters your heart and realizes the seed of goodness in your life. You become a more loving and thoughtful being. It makes you take stock of life's many gifts.
Bring attention to your heart, today I remember to be grateful.
If you live day to day feeling you are not enough or don't have enough for your happiness and security. Your body will echo those feelings by sending messages of anxiety, worry and stress.
Instead TRUST intelligence of the universe and live fearlessly. Expect the best and live your life from a place of joy. When the mind nourishes the body with carefree thoughts the body can relax and heal.
Reconnect with your true self instead. Disconnect from ego. Laugh more at yourself because you no longer take yourself so seriously. Handle the unexpected with calm and ease and your life is free from melodrama.
All these qualities are available to you now. At this moment, if you choose them.
In this relaxed, blissful state, there is nothing lacking and all your needs are met.
Detach from worry about the future and trust there is always enough of what you need or desire. How would you change if you know this? Would you feel happier and more secure?
Practice living each moment with a light and carefree heart and these moments will carry greater abundance and boundless joy. Find joy in all you love, walking in nature, design, food, songs and classical music, including yourself.
As a spiritual being, you fear nothing. Love is all that exists. Place your attention on your heart and say to yourself. I move through my days lighthearted and carefree knowing all is well.